2018 Peckham Conker Championship round-up
The 2018 Peckham Conker Championships was unequivocal conker-shaped fun done the way only Peckham can do it at the Brick Brewery. 50 players; 250+ smashed conkers; 248 smashed dreams; 2 winners; 1 injured forehead (apologies to our junior contestant whose forehead came a cropper).
The biggest congratulations goes to our two winners: Noah, who won the junior competition with his vinegar soaked bomb of a conker; and The Rock, who won the seniors with - well - a rock of a conker (aged and tiny).
‘The Rock’, Senior winner
Noah, Junior Winner
I’d v.much recommend getting prepared for the 2019 Championships, as one thing that was learnt this year is that ‘those who tamper win’ - as both winners brought their own victorious conkers, and both had been carefully tending to them (mostly by pickling them in vinegar!). Lesson learnt for 2019 . . .