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How to prepare for a battle


Be prepared . . .

Anyone with an ounce of fighting prowess will tell you that winners prepare; winners take care of themselves; winners look good; winners act like winners.

Preparation is therefore key to winning any battle - especially a conker battle.

Whether you’re preparing for the fight of your life at the World Conker Championships, or battl’in down your local boozer, you’ve gotta invest some time in look’in good.


The After Dinner Duel


Gentlemen spa even on a full stomach

There’s no more relaxing a time to battle than after a wholesome & well-lubricated dinner. Meat, Bordeaux and ideally a dram of Scotch to oil the conker cogs.

True Gentlemen do it dressed in their finery; bow-ties mandatory; spurs an added tactical bonus if stampsies is required.